Church Newsletter (Network) Team

The Newsletter, an important communications document keeping members and other up to date, was published and issued approximately bi-monthly before the pandemic. The Network magazine informs the congregation of all church and other relevant information and is collated, edited and published by a small team of volunteers.

It comprises a pastoral letter from our minister and includes submissions of articles from various members and organisations which are relevant to the operation of our church work and to our membership and parish.   This is issued in an electronic format (our preferred choice) but printed versions are also available.

The printed copies are passed to a co-ordinator who liaises with a pyramid of distributors for hand delivery to those who are unable to receive or simply do not want an electronic copy. Copies are also posted to those members who live further away.

Team members :  Albert Sloan.

                                Lorna Jackson.

                                Margaret Bradford (Delivery Co-ordinator).

NOTE: If you wish to receive an electronic copy please contact the Church Office at The Cornerstone:-     

Tel: 01505 862583 (Tuesday or Thursday 10am-12 noon).
