Audio Visual (A/V) Team
From simple beginnings. In 2018 our rather basic P.A. (Public Address) system in the church was upgraded and a Control Desk area created at the back of the balcony. Not long after this we commenced making audio recordings of the Sunday Services which were posted to our website. By 2019, a project for the installation of video screens and associated equipment was initiated by the Minister and this has provided the facility for the live streaming of services. By late 2019, most of the equipment had been installed … and then came COVID and lock-down.
Over the following 18 months we have moved from simple audio recordings for “on-line” services, where we could make use of our back-catalogue of recorded services to adding videos of prayers, readings and sermons, finally “going live” when the church did – at last! – re-open.
We now have a team of five (ages 12 to 70s) looking after the “techy” stuff, ably supported by other volunteers looking after compiling and editing the content for the services. We can reliably live stream from the church and can record and post videos of other services held at The Cornerstone and even outside for the church car park services. Our team has skills in audio mixing/video mixing and recording, using both the camera installation at the church and portable camcorders. We also do audio and video editing using readily available software. Other skills include website hosting, compiling and editing PowerPoint files. Technical skills include IT infrastructure management and (basic!) electronic engineering.
New members are always welcome (and you don’t have to be a Church member), so if you are interested in getting involved please contact any of the team or church office-bearers on a Sunday at church or:-
Email Ian Earnshaw at