Pastoral Visiting Team


Our Church formed a Pastoral Visiting Team in 2016. Today, this is made up of 14 volunteers who feel able to spend a small amount of their time visiting those within the Parish who are either lonely, housebound, unwell or just people who may benefit from a friendly face calling from the Church. The volunteers are supported by the Minister and the Pastoral Visiting Team [PVT] co-ordinator. For Church members, this is supplementary to Elders’ visits and not a substitute.

Since inception the role has slowly evolved and expanded … and the recent pandemic taught us that there are many ways to reach out to the Community. This led to the formation of a social group, The Thursday Chit Chat Group. This is open to all and also allows a safe place for people to meet and chat over activities and a cup of tea. 

If you know of anyone who may benefit from a call by the team or indeed are interested in joining us and have a couple of spare hours a month, please contact us as below.

Pastoral Visiting Team Co-ordinator
Gill McHattie:
Tel: 07810 046217

Rev Yvonne Smith:
Tel: 07540 592937

or contact the Church Office for advice at:-

The Cornerstone (Tuesday or Thursday 10 am -12 noon)  
Tel: 01505 862583